The online exhibition of 360 Design Budapest, realised by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency, has been welcomed with great interest. The aim of the online version of the exhibition is to continue to provide visibility for Hungarian and international brands digitally, following the offline exhibition in October. Due to the high volume of interest, the duration of the online exhibition featuring contemporary design objects has been extended. Viewers interested in design can view wonderful creations that perfectly reflect the traditions of the Hungarian furniture industry and are highly unique in terms of their detailedness and artistry.
Due to great interest, the first online exhibition of 360 Design Budapest, organised within the framework of Design Week Budapest, can be visited with extended opening hours. The exhibition presents the works of talented designers such as Adamlamp, Codolagni, Error n'more, Hannabi, Sára Kele, KOMONKA, Ábel Lakatos, LumoConcept, Ádám Miklósi, Oleant, Paper Up, Planbureau, Plydesign, Position Collective, RAWfiction, Anna Regős, Sixay, Socowoo, Studio Nomad, and Fanni Ungar. An advantage of the exhibition’s digital platform compared to the physical exhibition is that in addition to Hungarian designers, four international talents are also present- including the Czech Master & Master, the Slovak Crafting Plastic!, the Polish Phormy, and Anna Horváth, the Hungarian designer working in Malta. Viewers interested have the opportunity to draw inspiration from all over the world when furnishing their homes, including from the work of Hungarian and regional designers.
The online exhibition of the 360 Design Budapest event can be visited via the following link: www.360dbp.com

Zsófia Bata-Jakab, CEO of HFDA (middle), Árpád Keresztury, Design Director of HFDA (right) and Gaspar Bonta, program manager and curator (left)
GASPARBONTA & Partners • www.gasparbonta.com
Lead designer: Gaspar Bonta, Anita Csatlós
HFDA / The Sparkle Content • www.hfda.hu
Adamlamp • www.shop.adamlamp.com
Codolagni • www.codolagni.com
Error n'more • www.errornmore.com
Hannabi • www.hannabi.hu
Sára Kele • www.sarakele.com
KOMONKA • komonka.hu
Ábel Lakatos • danubo.cc
LumoConcept • www.lumoconcept.com
Ádám Miklósi • adammiklosi.com
Oleant • www.oleant.com
Paper Up • paperupcollection.blogspot.com
Planbureau • www.planbureau.hu
Plydesign • plydesign.eu
Position Collective • position-collective.com/studio
RAWfiction • rawfictiondesign.com
Anna Regős • regos.co.hu/anna
Sixay • www.sixay.com
Socowoo • www.socowoo.com
Studio Nomad • studio-nomad.com
Fanni Ungar • www.facebook.com/UngarFanniDesignHabit
Master & Master • www.masterandmaster.eu
Crafting Plastic! • www.craftingplastics.com
Phormy • www.phormy.com
Anna Horváth • annajamesdesign.com
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Area: 278 sqm
Year of Completion: 2020