Approaches and departures. Rediscovery and consciousness. Everchanging dynamics and playing with genre limits – these determined the 360 Design Budapest exhibition’s starting point this year.
We are getting closer to nature, which has become a redefined partner of our life lately. The exhibition shows a need, a desire, and a mission for representing the rediscovery of nature and reconnecting to it. This rediscovery pervades our way of thinking about materials, their use, also the responsibility and consciousness coming with them. A pandemic, which demonstrated the values of human relationships and the importance of assuming responsibility for one another, started a new era in our thinking, which reshaped the pieces of our object culture coming from the hands of designers.
We take an approaching step for starting regional common thinking, for strengthening the collective Central-European design culture, in which the connection to nature and each other are both included. Water and nature, symbols of solicitude and rebirth, interwoven the exhibition. As you walk through it, the Hungarian and regional design objects transmit the message of a fertile new era.
We live in the Renaissance of Hungarian design and product design; thus, the exhibition keeps a distance from the usual approach on purpose. The objects that turned from ideas into products in the last year feed from previous prominent creators’ creative inheritance, using it as a springboard to elevate the perspective that characterises the sector more and more and brings an unconventional renewal in domestic design.
360 Design Budapest’s exhibition of this year represents creations of designers who are the sparkling pioneers of the product design’s Zeitgeist who capture attention with their handcraft talent, experience in product design, manufacturing resourcefulness, consciousness, or fresh momentum. Although the objects are separated in a straight labyrinth, visually, they constitute one big whole to prove and shape trust in the visitor with their unison, inspiring the buyer to purchase Hungarian and regional products. Thus, we can consciously shape the objects of our environment with objects designed and created in our environment, rediscovered objects, shapes, and materials.
This year’s exhibition opens its gates with new visions and, undeniably, with some comprehensive artwork endeavours to flatter, enchant, and underline Hungarian design’s unmatched genius.
The online exhibition of the 360 Design Budapest event can be visited via the following link: www.360dbp.com

Zsófia Bata-Jakab, CEO of HFDA (middle), Árpád Keresztury, Design Director of HFDA (left) and Gaspar Bonta, program director (right)

GASPARBONTA & Partners • www.gasparbonta.com
Lead designer: Gaspar Bonta, Anita Csatlós
Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency • www.hfda.hu
Balint Jaksa Photography • www.balintjaksa.com
Yoza • www.yoza.eu
Viaplant • www.viaplant.com
Esstre Design • www.facebook.com/esstredesign
Petflat • www.petflat.hu
Boldizar Senteczki • www.facebook.com/Boldizsar-Szenteczki-551757938598587
Obai Concrete • www.obai-concrete.com
Miklósi Ádám & Koczka Kristóf • www.behance.net/gallery/116508023/Nousu
Meander Kerámia • www.meander.hu
Loomiosa • www.loomiosa.com
Leits Miklós • www.leits.art
komok • www.komok.hu
Forms Design • www.instagram.com/_formsdesign
Concrazy • www.concrazy.com
Balázs Botos Design • www.etsy.com/shop/BalazsBotosDesign
Baantal • www.baantal.com
RawFiction • www.rawfictiondesign.com
Position Collective • www.position-collective.com
Oléant Lighting • www.oleant.com
Lumo Concept • www.lumoconcept.com
Komonka • www.komonka.hu
sarakele studio • www.sarakele.com
Error n' more • www.errornmore.com
Baba Swings • www.facebook.com/babaswingss
Kovács Kristóf • www.instagram.com/kovacskristof_productdesign
Kokomo • www.instagram.com/kokomo_ceramics
Itthon Design Studio • www.itthon.co
Cserba Anna • www.behance.net/annacserba
Czikkcakk Design • www.czikkcakkdesign.com
ZOFIA STRUMIŁŁO-SUKIENNIK • www.instagram.com/zofia_strumillo
Need Studio • www.needstudio.eu
Studio Rygalik • www.studiorygalik.com
Nikodem Szpunar • www.studioszpunar.com
Maja Gaszyniec • www.studioganszyniec.com
Kabo & Pydo • www.kabo-pydo.com
Tomas Kral Product Design Studio • www.tomaskral.ch
Variedo • www.variedo.sk
VRTIŠKA & ŽÁK STUDIO • www.vrtiskazak.com
Lappa Studio • www.lappastudio.com
Master&Master • www.masterandmaster.eu
Location: Bálna, Budapest, Hungary
Area: 490 sqm
Year of Completion: 2021